CCCC game. Leela v0.25.1 SV T60 3010 4x2080 Ti versus Stockfish 190520 dev 90 CPU threads. Leela's immortal game with a full piece sacrifice out of the opening. Time control of 1+1.
[Event "ECO MegaMatch II! (1|1)"]
[Site ""]
[Date "2020.05.20"]
[Round "136"]
[White "Lc0-dev"]
[Black "Stockfish"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "C64"]
[PlyCount "211"]
[EventDate "2020.??.??"]
[TimeControl "60+1"]
1. e4 {book} e5 {book} 2. Nf3 {book} Nc6 {book} 3. Bb5 {book} Bc5 {book} 4. c3
{book} Bb6 {book} 5. d4 {0.54/13 1.0s, ev=0.54, d=13, pd=exd4, mt=00:00:01,
tl=00:00:59, s=14 kN/s, n=14485, pv=d4 exd4 cxd4 Nce7 Ba4 Nf6 Nc3 O-O Bc2 d5
e5 Ne4 Nxe4 dxe4 Bxe4 Bf5 Qd3 Qd7 O-O h6 b3 Rfd8, tb=0, R50=50, wv=0.54} exd4 {
-1.03/26 8.2s, ev=-1.03, d=26, pd=cxd4, mt=00:00:08, tl=00:00:52, s=53816 kN/s,
n=442640738, pv=exd4 cxd4 Nce7 Qc2 c6 Bd3 d5 e5 Ng6 Be3 Nh4 Nxh4 Qxh4 a4 Ne7
Nd2 O-O O-O f6 a5 Bc7 f4 Qh5 Nb3 Bf5 Nc5 b6 Na6 Bd8 Bxf5 Qxf5 Qxf5 Nxf5 Bf2
fxe5 dxe5 bxa5 g4 Nh4 Bc5, tb=0, R50=50, wv=1.03} 6. cxd4 {0.46/13 1.4s, ev=0.
46, d=13, pd=Nce7, mt=00:00:01, tl=00:00:59, s=35 kN/s, n=56179, pv=cxd4 Nce7
Ba4 c6 d5 d6 dxc6 Nxc6 Bf4 Nf6 Nc3 O-O O-O Re8 Re1 Bg4 Qxd6 Bxf3 gxf3 Nh5 Qxd8
Rexd8 Be3, tb=0, R50=50, wv=0.46} Nce7 {-1.02/27 1.9s, ev=-1.02, d=27, pd=Qc2,
mt=00:00:01, tl=00:00:51, s=96433 kN/s, n=179367074, pv=Nce7 Qc2 c6 Bd3 d5 e5
Ng6 Be3 Nh4 Nxh4 Qxh4 a4 Ne7 Nd2 O-O a5 Bc7 O-O Qh5 Qc3 Bf5 Bxf5 Qxf5 b4 Qg6
a6 b6 b5 Rac8 bxc6 Qxc6 Qxc6 Nxc6 f4 Ne7 g4 f5 g5 Ng6 Rfc1 Kf7 Nf3 h6 gxh6,
tb=0, R50=50, wv=1.02} 7. O-O {0.57/16 2.4s, ev=0.57, d=16, pd=c6, mt=00:00:02,
tl=00:00:58, s=28 kN/s, n=117736, pv=O-O c6 d5 cxb5 d6 Nc6 e5 Kf8 Nc3 Qe8 Re1
Bd8 Bg5 b6 Nxb5 a6 Nc3 Bb7 Nd5 Qe6 Bxd8 Rxd8 Rc1 h5 Nxb6 Rh6 Na4 Qg4 h3, tb=0,
R50=50, wv=0.57} c6 {-0.78/25 0.72s, ev=-0.78, d=25, pd=Bd3, mt=00:00:00,
tl=00:00:52, s=101796 kN/s, n=72988415, pv=c6 Bd3 d5 Nbd2 dxe4 Nxe4 Bf5 Re1
Bxe4 Bxe4 Nf6 Bg5 Qd6 a4 O-O a5 Bc7 a6 bxa6 Bd3 Ng6 Rxa6 Bb6 Ra4 Rae8 Be3 Nd5
Bd2 Rxe1+ Qxe1 Ngf4 Bxf4 Qxf4, tb=0, R50=49, wv=0.78} 8. d5 {0.59/16 0.64s,
ev=0.59, d=16, pd=cxb5, mt=00:00:00, tl=00:00:58, s=26 kN/s, n=84728, pv=d5
cxb5 d6 Nc6 e5 Kf8 Nc3 Qe8 Re1 Bd8 Bg5 b6 Nxb5 a6 Nc3 Bb7 Nd5 Qe6 Bxd8 Rxd8
Nxb6 h5 Rc1 h4 Na4 Ba8 Nc5, tb=0, R50=50, wv=0.59} cxb5 {0.48/22 1.3s, ev=0.48,
d=22, pd=d6, mt=00:00:01, tl=00:00:51, s=92734 kN/s, n=120832950, pv=cxb5 d6
Nc6 Nc3 Kf8 e5 Qe8 Nxb5 Qe6 b3 Nh6 Re1 Nf5 Bb2 h6 h3 Kg8 Qc2 Qg6 Nc7 Rb8 Nd5
Kh7, tb=0, R50=50, wv=-0.48} 9. d6 {0.58/16 0.87s, ev=0.58, d=16, pd=Nc6,
mt=00:00:00, tl=00:00:58, s=21 kN/s, n=79515, pv=d6 Nc6 e5 Ba5 a3 b4 Bg5 Qb6
Qd5 h6 Be3 Qd8 Rc1 b6 Rc4 Nge7 dxe7 Qxe7 Bd2 Rb8 Rg4 Kf8 Qd3 Bb7 axb4 Nxb4 Qa3
Bxf3 gxf3, tb=0, R50=50, wv=0.58} Nc6 {0.53/25 1.3s, ev=0.53, d=25, pd=Nc3,
mt=00:00:01, tl=00:00:51, s=94614 kN/s, n=126216399, pv=Nc6 Nc3 Kf8 e5 Qe8 Re1
Qe6 Nxb5 h5 Be3 Ba5 Bd2 a6 a4 Qg6 Nc3 Qd3 Re3 Qc4 Ne2 Bxd2 Nxd2 Qe6 a5 Nh6 Nf4
Qf5, tb=2, R50=50, wv=-0.53} 10. e5 {0.62/15 2.2s, ev=0.62, d=15, pd=Ba5,
mt=00:00:02, tl=00:00:57, s=26 kN/s, n=123330, pv=e5 Ba5 a3 b4 Bg5 Qb6 Qd5 h6
Be3 Qd8 Rc1 b6 Rc4 Nge7 dxe7 Qxe7 Bd2 Rb8 Rg4 Bb7 Rxg7 Qe6 Qd3 Rc8 Rg3 Kd8 h3
Re8 Qe4 bxa3 Rxa3, tb=0, R50=50, wv=0.62} Kf8 {0.34/28 4.3s, ev=0.34, d=28,
pd=Nc3, mt=00:00:04, tl=00:00:48, s=92871 kN/s, n=397398632, pv=Kf8 Nc3 Qe8
Nxb5 h6 b3 Qe6 Ba3 a6 Nc7 Bxc7 dxc7+ Nge7 Nd4 Nxd4 Qxd4 a5 f4 Kg8 Bxe7 Qxe7
Rac1 Ra6 f5 Qb4 Rc4 Qb6 Rc5 d6 exd6 Qxd6 Rd1 Qxd4+ Rxd4 g6 fxg6 fxg6 Rd8+ Kg7
Re5 Be6, tb=0, R50=50, wv=-0.34} 11. Nc3 {0.64/14 2.5s, ev=0.64, d=14, pd=Qe8,
mt=00:00:02, tl=00:00:56, s=25 kN/s, n=91342, pv=Nc3 Qe8 Re1 Bd8 Bg5 Ba5 b4
Nxb4 a4 a6 axb5 b6 Ne4 Bb7 Nf6 gxf6 exf6 Be4 Nd2 Qe5 Nxe4 Qxb5 Bd2 h5 Rb1 Re8
Qf3 Qd3 Bxb4 Qxf3 gxf3, tb=0, R50=50, wv=0.64} Qe8 {0.54/24 0.79s, ev=0.54,
d=24, pd=Nxb5, mt=00:00:00, tl=00:00:48, s=98999 kN/s, n=78011715, pv=Qe8 Nxb5
h6 b3 Qe6 Bb2 Bd8 Rc1 b6 Nfd4 Nxd4 Qxd4 Bb7 f4 g6 Nc7 Bxc7 dxc7 Kg7 Rfd1 Ne7
Qxd7 Bd5 Qd6 Rac8 Ba3 Rhe8 Rd4 Kg8 Rd2 Qg4 Rxd5 Nxd5 Qxd5 Qxf4, tb=0, R50=49,
wv=-0.54} 12. Re1 {0.68/14 1.4s, ev=0.68, d=14, pd=Bd8, mt=00:00:01, tl=00:00:
55, s=21 kN/s, n=110120, pv=Re1 Bd8 Bg5 Ba5 Nxb5 a6 a4 h6 Be3 Qe6 h3 Bd8 Nc3
b6 a5 Nxa5 Nd4 Qxe5 Nf3 Qh5 Bxb6 Bxb6 Nd5 Bd8, tb=0, R50=49, wv=0.68} h6 {
0.43/27 2.6s, ev=0.43, d=27, pd=Nxb5, mt=00:00:02, tl=00:00:46, s=94703 kN/s,
n=249449988, pv=h6 Nxb5 a6 Nc3 Ba5 a4 Rb8 Bd2 Bxc3 bxc3 Qe6 Nd4 Qd5 Nf5 g5 Rc1
Qd3 Nd4 Nxd4 cxd4 b5 Rc7 Qxd4 axb5 Bb7 e6 dxe6 Bc3 Qxd1 Rxd1 Rh7, tb=0, R50=48,
wv=-0.43} 13. Nd5 {0.59/13 5.7s, ev=0.59, d=13, pd=Bd8, mt=00:00:05, tl=00:00:
50, s=25 kN/s, n=149435, pv=Nd5 Bd8 b4 a5 Nd4 axb4 Bb2 h5 a3 bxa3 Bxa3 b4 Bxb4
Rxa1 Qxa1 Rh6 Nb5 Rg6 Bc3 Qe6 Nf4 Qc4 Nxg6+ fxg6 Nd4 b5 e6 dxe6 Rc1 Bb7 Nxc6
Qxc6, tb=0, R50=50, wv=0.59} Bd8 {0.00/31 3.0s, ev=0.00, d=31, pd=Qd3, mt=00:
00:03, tl=00:00:44, s=92945 kN/s, n=279487355, pv=Bd8 Qd3 b4 a3 bxa3 bxa3 b6
Bb2 Bb7 Nf4 Bg5 Nd5, tb=36, R50=50, wv=-0.00} 14. b4 {0.59/17 0.23s, ev=0.59,
d=17, pd=a5, mt=00:00:00, tl=00:00:51, s=9 kN/s, n=78365, pv=b4 a5 Nd4 axb4
Bb2 h5 a3 bxa3 Bxa3 b4 Bxb4 Rxa1 Qxa1 Rh6 Nb5 Rg6 Bc3 Qe6 Nf4 Qc4 Nxg6+ fxg6
Nd4 b5 e6 dxe6 Rc1 Bb7 Nxc6 Qxc6, tb=0, R50=49, wv=0.59} a6 {0.00/29 2.0s,
ev=0.00, d=29, pd=Qd3, mt=00:00:02, tl=00:00:43, s=95682 kN/s, n=193470609,
pv=a6 Qd3 b6 Bb2 a5 a3 Bb7 Nf4 Bg5 Nd5, tb=8, R50=50, wv=-0.00} 15. Be3 {
0.81/12 3.3s, ev=0.81, d=12, pd=b6, mt=00:00:03, tl=00:00:49, s=26 kN/s,
n=88953, pv=Be3 b6 Bxb6 Bxb6 Nxb6 Rb8 Nd5 Bb7 Rc1 g6 Rc5 Kg7 h4 Qe6 Qa1 Kh7 h5
Nd8 Nf4 Qg4 hxg6+ fxg6 Rc7 Bxf3 e6 Bc6 Qd4 Qf5 exd7, tb=0, R50=50, wv=0.81} h5
{0.00/25 3.2s, ev=0.00, d=25, pd=a3, mt=00:00:03, tl=00:00:41, s=94518 kN/s,
n=301704132, pv=h5 a3 Nh6 Rc1 b6 Bxb6 Bb7 Qd3 Bxb6 Nxb6 Rb8 Nd5 Qd8 h3 Rc8 Nf4
Kg8 Nd5, tb=2, R50=50, wv=-0.00} 16. Bb6 {1.08/11 2.5s, ev=1.08, d=11, pd=h4,
mt=00:00:02, tl=00:00:47, s=24 kN/s, n=62671, pv=Bb6 h4 a4 bxa4 Rxa4 Bxb6 Nxb6
Rb8 b5 axb5 Rf4 Qd8 Qd5 Nh6 Qxb5 g5 Rf6 Ng8 Rf5 Nh6 Rxg5 Nd4 Nxd4 Qxg5 Nf3 Qf5
Nxh4 Qh5 Nf3 Rg8 Qb3 Qg4, tb=0, R50=50, wv=1.08} Nxb4 {0.00/28 0.93s, ev=0.00,
d=28, pd=Nf6, mt=00:00:00, tl=00:00:41, s=101391 kN/s, n=94192879, pv=Nxb4 Nf6
gxf6 exf6 Qxe1+ Qxe1 Bxf6 Rd1 Nc6 Qe4 a5 Re1 b4 Nh4 Bxh4 Qxh4 a4 Qg5 b3 Bd8
Nxd8 Qxd8+ Kg7 Qg5+ Kh7 axb3 a3 Re8 f6 Qxh5+ Kg7 Qg4+ Kf7 Rxc8 Rxc8 Qxd7+ Ne7
Qxe7+ Kg6 Qe4+ Kg7 Qe7+, tb=4, R50=50, wv=-0.00} 17. Nf6 {1.74/13 2.1s, ev=1.
74, d=13, pd=gxf6, mt=00:00:02, tl=00:00:46, s=32 kN/s, n=65964, pv=Nf6 gxf6
exf6 Qxe1+ Qxe1 Bxf6 Rd1 Nc6 Rd3 a5 Re3 a4 Re8+ Kg7 Qe3 b4 Nd4 Nxd4 Qg3+ Kh7
Bxd4 Bxd4 Qd3+ Kg7 Qxd4+ f6 Qxb4 Nh6 Re7+ Nf7 Qc4, tb=0, R50=50, wv=1.74} gxf6
{0.00/34 0.92s, ev=0.00, d=34, pd=exf6, mt=00:00:00, tl=00:00:41, s=106519 kN/
s, n=97997501, pv=gxf6 exf6 Qxe1+ Qxe1 Bxf6 Rd1 Nc6 Qe4 a5 Re1 b4 Nh4 Bxh4
Qxh4 a4 Qg5 b3 Bd8 Nxd8 Qxd8+ Kg7 Qg5+ Kf8, tb=110, R50=50, wv=-0.00} 18. exf6
{1.55/14 0.97s, ev=1.55, d=14, pd=Qxe1+, mt=00:00:00, tl=00:00:46, s=30 kN/s,
n=86093, pv=exf6 Qxe1+ Qxe1 Bxf6 Rd1 Nc6 Rd3 b4 Re3 Rh6 h4 Rg6 Ng5 Bxg5 hxg5
Rxg5 Qe2 a5 Re8+ Kg7 Be3 Rg6 Bc1 b6 Bb2+, tb=0, R50=50, wv=1.55} Qxe1+ {
-0.31/36 5.4s, ev=-0.31, d=36, pd=Qxe1, mt=00:00:05, tl=00:00:37, s=103841 kN/
s, n=561990184, pv=Qxe1+ Qxe1 Bxf6 Rd1 Nc6 Qe4 a5 Re1 Rh6 Nh4 Bxh4 Qxh4 Ra6
Be3 Rxd6 Bc5 Nce7 Bxd6 Rxd6 Qxh5 f5 h3 b4 g4 Rh6 Qg5 Rc6 Qf4 d5 g5 Kf7 Qd4 Re6
Rc1 Rc6 Rc5 Rxc5 Qxc5 Nc6 h4 Be6 Qd6 Nge7 h5 d4 g6+ Kf6, tb=4260, R50=50, wv=0.
31} 19. Qxe1 {1.34/14 1.3s, ev=1.34, d=14, pd=Bxf6, mt=00:00:01, tl=00:00:46,
s=33 kN/s, n=117877, pv=Qxe1 Bxf6 Rd1 Nc6 Rd3 b4 Re3 Rh6 h4 Rg6 Ng5 Bxg5 hxg5
Rxg5 f4 Rg4 Qa1 a5 Qh8 Ra6 Qxh5 Rg7 Qe2 Nf6 Qb2 Ng8 Re8+ Kxe8, tb=0, R50=50,
wv=1.34} Bxf6 {-0.31/27 0.94s, ev=-0.31, d=27, pd=Rd1, mt=00:00:00, tl=00:00:
37, s=122910 kN/s, n=115043801, pv=Bxf6 Rd1 Nc6 Qe4 a5 Re1 Rh6 Nh4 Bxh4 Qxh4
Ra6 Be3 Rxd6 Bc5 Nce7 Bxd6 Rxd6 Qxh5 f5 h4 Rf6 Qg5 Kf7 h5 b4 g4 fxg4 Qxa5 d5
Qc5 b6 Qxb4 Bf5 Qb3 Rh6 Re5 Rxh5 Qxb6 Rh6, tb=431, R50=50, wv=0.31} 20. Qxb4 {
1.32/15 5.9s, ev=1.32, d=15, pd=Bxa1, mt=00:00:05, tl=00:00:41, s=26 kN/s,
n=261221, pv=Qxb4 Bxa1 Ng5 a5 Qxb5 Bf6 h4 Ra6 Qc4 Bxg5 Qxc8+ Kg7 hxg5 Rxb6
Qc3+ f6 Qc7 Rb1+ Kh2 fxg5 Qxd7+ Kh6 Qc8 Kg7 d7 Nf6 Qxh8+ Kxh8 d8=Q+ Kg7 Qxa5
Kg6 Qd2 Ng4+ Kg3 Rb6 Qd3+, tb=0, R50=50, wv=1.32} Bxa1 {0.00/32 0.97s, ev=0.00,
d=32, pd=Ng5, mt=00:00:00, tl=00:00:37, s=112758 kN/s, n=109827235, pv=Bxa1
Ng5 h4 Qb3 Nh6 Qd1 Bg7 Bd4 f6 Qf3 f5 Bxg7+ Kxg7 Qc3+ Kg8 Qf6 b6 Qg6+ Kf8 Nf3
Bb7 Ne5 Bc6 f3 Rb8 Qf6+ Kg8 Qg5+ Kf8 Qg6 h3 Qf6+ Kg8 Qg6+, tb=899, R50=50,
wv=-0.00} 21. Ng5 {1.42/16 0.22s, ev=1.42, d=16, pd=a5, mt=00:00:00, tl=00:00:
42, s=30 kN/s, n=139978, pv=Ng5 a5 Qxb5 Bf6 h4 Ra6 Qc4 Bxg5 Qxc8+ Kg7 hxg5
Rxb6 Qc3+ f6 Qc7 Rb1+ Kh2 fxg5 Qxd7+ Kh6 Qc8 Kg7 d7 Nf6 Qxh8+ Kxh8 d8=Q+ Kg7
Qxa5 Kg6 Qd2 Ng4+ Kg3 Rb6 Qd3+ Kh6, tb=0, R50=50, wv=1.42} h4 {-0.85/34 5.2s,
ev=-0.85, d=34, pd=Qb3, mt=00:00:05, tl=00:00:33, s=112247 kN/s, n=588851366,
pv=h4 Qb3, tb=61899, R50=50, wv=0.85} 22. Qb3 {1.60/10 2.7s, ev=1.60, d=10,
pd=Nh6, mt=00:00:02, tl=00:00:40, s=32 kN/s, n=88975, pv=Qb3 Nh6 Qd1 Bg7 Qe2
Bf6 Ne4 Bg7 Qh5 Ng8 Qg5 Bb2 Bd8 b6 Be7+ Ke8 Nf6+ Bxf6 Bxf6 Nxf6 Qxf6 Ra7 Qxh8#,
tb=0, R50=50, wv=1.60} Nh6 {-3.50/34 3.9s, ev=-3.50, d=34, pd=Qd1, mt=00:00:03,
tl=00:00:30, s=125744 kN/s, n=485372877, pv=Nh6 Qd1 Bg7 Bd4 Kg8 Qa1 Bxd4 Qxd4
f5 Qd5+ Kg7 Qe5+ Kg8 Qe7 b4 Nf3 Nf7 Nd4 Nh6 Qg5+ Kh7 Nxf5 Nxf5 Qxf5+ Kg7 Qe5+
Kg8 Qg5+ Kf7 f4 Rg8 Qe7+ Kg6 f5+ Kxf5 Qf7+ Ke5 Qxg8 Kxd6 Qf8+ Kd5 Qxb4 b5 Qxh4
Bb7 Qe7 Bc6 h4 Kd4, tb=20296, R50=50, wv=3.50} 23. Qd1 {1.85/12 1.3s, ev=1.85,
d=12, pd=Bg7, mt=00:00:01, tl=00:00:40, s=35 kN/s, n=111231, pv=Qd1 Bg7 Qe2
Bf6 Ne4 Bg7 Qh5 a5 Qxh4 f6 Bd8 Ng8 Qf4 Rh6 g4 b6 g5 Rg6 Qf5 Bb7 Qxg6 Bxe4 Be7+
Nxe7 dxe7+ Kg8 Qxe4 Re8 g6 Kh8, tb=0, R50=49, wv=1.85} Bg7 {-3.37/32 1.2s,
ev=-3.37, d=32, pd=Bd4, mt=00:00:01, tl=00:00:30, s=133667 kN/s, n=159598932,
pv=Bg7 Bd4 Kg8 Qa1 Bxd4 Qxd4 f5 Qd5+ Kf8 Qe5 Kg8 Qe7 a5 Nf3 Nf7 Nd4 b6 Qe8+
Kg7 Nxf5+ Kf6 Qe7+ Kxf5 Qxf7+ Ke5 Qg7+ Kxd6 Qxh8 Bb7 Qxh4 Bd5 Qh6+ Kc7 Qd2 Bc4
h4 Rh8 Qc3 Rh5 g4 Rc5 Qd2 b4, tb=11255, R50=49, wv=3.37} 24. Qe2 {1.73/11 1.8s,
ev=1.73, d=11, pd=Bf6, mt=00:00:01, tl=00:00:39, s=36 kN/s, n=146339, pv=Qe2
Bf6 Ne4 Ba1 Qd1 Bg7 Qd5 f5 Ng5 a5 g4 hxg3 hxg3 Bf6 Bd4 Kg7 g4 Ra6 gxf5 Rf8 Ne4
Bxd4 Qxd4+ Kh7, tb=0, R50=48, wv=1.73} Bf6 {-2.67/29 1.2s, ev=-2.67, d=29,
pd=Ne4, mt=00:00:01, tl=00:00:30, s=122468 kN/s, n=142553860, pv=Bf6 Ne4 Ba1
Qd1 Bg7 Bd8 Ng8 Qd5 Rh6 Ng5 Re6 Nxe6+ dxe6 Qg5 Bb2 Be7+ Nxe7 Qxe7+ Kg8 Qd8+
Kg7 Qg5+ Kf8 Qxh4 Bc3 Qd8+ Kg7 d7 Bxd7 Qxa8 Bc6 Qb8 b4 Qg3+ Kf8 a3 a5 h4 Bf6
Kh2 Bd5 axb4, tb=1547, R50=48, wv=2.67} 25. Ne4 {1.81/13 1.5s, ev=1.81, d=13,
pd=Ba1, mt=00:00:01, tl=00:00:39, s=40 kN/s, n=138563, pv=Ne4 Ba1 Qe1 Bg7 Qe3
Ng8 Qg5 f6 Qg6 Rh6 Qf5 b4 Nc5 a5 Nd3 Ra6 Qc5 Ra8 h3 f5 Qxf5+ Rf6 Qg5 Re6 Nf4
Re1+ Kh2, tb=0, R50=47, wv=1.81} Ba1 {-3.62/33 3.0s, ev=-3.62, d=33, pd=Qd1,
mt=00:00:02, tl=00:00:28, s=123220 kN/s, n=367936143, pv=Ba1 Qd1 Bg7 Bd8 Ng8
Qd5 Rh6 Ng5 Re6 Nxe6+ dxe6 Qg5 b6 Be7+ Ke8 Qxg7 Nxe7 Qh8+ Kd7 dxe7 Bb7 Qxh4
Rg8 Qf6 Rxg2+ Kf1 Rg8 Qxf7 Re8 Qg6 Rxe7 h4 Bd5 h5 Bxa2 h6 Bc4+ Ke1 Kc6 h7 Rxh7
Qe4+ Bd5 Qxh7 a5 Qc2+ Bc4 Qc3 Kc5 Qe3+ Kc6 Qd4 Bd5 Qc3+ Kd6 Qh8 Kc7 Kd2 b4 Qd4
Kc6 f4, tb=34648, R50=47, wv=3.62} 26. Qe1 {1.86/12 2.4s, ev=1.86, d=12,
pd=Bg7, mt=00:00:02, tl=00:00:37, s=35 kN/s, n=168041, pv=Qe1 Bg7 Qe3 Ng8 Qg5
f6 Qg6 Rh6 Qf5 b4 g4 hxg3 hxg3 a5 Nc5 Ke8 Na4 Bf8 Be3 Ra6 Nb6 Rxb6 Bxb6 Bxd6
Qd5 f5 Qxg8+ Bf8 Bxa5 b6 Bxb4 d6, tb=0, R50=46, wv=1.86} Bg7 {-3.32/34 3.9s,
ev=-3.32, d=34, pd=Bd8, mt=00:00:03, tl=00:00:25, s=118259 kN/s, n=462748777,
pv=Bg7 Bd8 Ng8 Ng5 a5 Be7+ Ke8 Qe4 Ra6 Bf6+ Kf8 Qd5 Nh6 Qe5 Bxf6 Qxf6 Kg8 Ne4
Rc6 Qg5+ Kf8 Qe7+ Kg8 h3 Kh7 f4 Rg8 Qxh4 f5 Nf6+ Kg6 Qg5+ Kf7 Nxg8 Nxg8 Qxf5+
Kg7 g4 b6 Qxb5 Rc1+ Kf2 Rc2+ Kg3 Rc3+ Kh4 Rc6 g5 Kf8 Qf5+ Kg7 Qe5+ Kf8 f5 Ba6
f6 a4 g6, tb=58205, R50=46, wv=3.32} 27. Qe3 {2.03/13 1.4s, ev=2.03, d=13,
pd=Ng8, mt=00:00:01, tl=00:00:37, s=36 kN/s, n=160157, pv=Qe3 Ng8 Qg5 f6 Qg6
Rh6 Qf5 b4 g4 hxg3 hxg3 a5 Nc5 Ke8 Na4 Bf8 Be3 Ra6 Nb6 Rxb6 Bxb6 Bxd6 Qd5 Ne7
Qxd6 Rh5 Qxf6 d6 Qxd6 Rd5 Qf6 Bd7, tb=0, R50=45, wv=2.03} Ng8 {-1.47/27 2.1s,
ev=-1.47, d=27, pd=Qg5, mt=00:00:02, tl=00:00:24, s=112639 kN/s, n=237219295,
pv=Ng8 Qg5 f6 Qg6 Rh6 Qf5 Kf7 Ng5+ Kf8 Nh7+ Rxh7 Qxh7 a5 Bd8 Ra6 Be7+ Nxe7
dxe7+ Kf7 e8=Q+ Kxe8 Qxg7 Rc6 f3 b4 Qg8+ Ke7 Qh7+ Kf8 Qxh4 d5 Qh8+ Kf7 h4 a4
Qh7+ Kf8 g4 b3 axb3 axb3 h5, tb=9034, R50=45, wv=1.47} 28. Qg5 {2.35/14 2.1s,
ev=2.35, d=14, pd=f6, mt=00:00:02, tl=00:00:36, s=35 kN/s, n=141561, pv=Qg5 f6
Qg6 Rh6 Qf5 b4 g4 hxg3 hxg3 a5 Nc5 Ke8 Na4 Bf8 Be3 Ra6 Nb6 Rxb6 Bxb6 Bxd6 Qd5
f5 Qxg8+ Bf8 Bxa5 b6 Bxb4 d6 Qd5 Bd7 Bd2, tb=0, R50=44, wv=2.35} f6 {-2.67/30
1.9s, ev=-2.67, d=30, pd=Qg6, mt=00:00:01, tl=00:00:23, s=112559 kN/s,
n=210260790, pv=f6 Qg6 Rh6 Qf5 b4 h3 Rh8 Bd8 Rh6 Nc5 a5 Bb6 Ke8 Qe4+ Kf8 Nxd7+
Bxd7 Qxb7 f5 Qxd7 Nf6 Qe7+ Kg8 d7 Nxd7 Qxd7 Kh8 Be3 Rf6 Bd4 Rg6 Bxg7+ Rxg7
Qxf5 Raa7 Qf6 Kg8 Qd8+ Kf7 Qxh4 Ke6 Qc4+ Kd6, tb=4727, R50=44, wv=2.67} 29. Qg6
{2.55/13 1.8s, ev=2.55, d=13, pd=Rh6, mt=00:00:01, tl=00:00:35, s=38 kN/s,
n=183381, pv=Qg6 Rh6 Qf5 b4 g4 hxg3 hxg3 a5 Nc5 Ke8 Na4 Bf8 Be3 Ra6 Nb6 Rxb6
Bxb6 Bxd6 Qd5 f5 Qxg8+ Bf8 Bxa5 b6 Bxb4 d6 Qd5 Bd7 Bd2 Re6, tb=0, R50=50, wv=2.
55} Rh6 {-2.72/27 1.2s, ev=-2.72, d=27, pd=Qf5, mt=00:00:01, tl=00:00:22,
s=122576 kN/s, n=150891104, pv=Rh6 Qf5 Kf7 Ng5+ Ke8 Qe4+ Kf8 Nh7+ Rxh7 Qxh7 a5
Bd8 Ra6 Be7+ Nxe7 dxe7+ Kf7 e8=Q+ Kxe8 Qxg7 Rc6 h3 d5 Qh8+ Ke7 Qxh4 Be6 Qh7+
Bf7 Qd3 Rd6 Qxb5 b6 Qd3 Kf8 Qd4 Kg7 Qc3 Re6 Qg3+ Kf8 Qc7 Kg7 Kf1 d4 Qd7 Re5 f4
Rd5, tb=4971, R50=50, wv=2.72} 30. Qf5 {2.64/13 1.5s, ev=2.64, d=13, pd=b4,
mt=00:00:01, tl=00:00:34, s=37 kN/s, n=179073, pv=Qf5 b4 g4 hxg3 hxg3 a5 Nc5
Ke8 Na4 Rh8 Be3 Ra6 Nb6 Rxb6 Bxb6 Nh6 Qd5 Kf8 Qc4 f5 Qxc8+ Kf7 Qxd7+ Kg6 Qe6+,
tb=0, R50=49, wv=2.64} Kf7 {-3.27/32 4.9s, ev=-3.27, d=32, pd=Ng5+, mt=00:00:
04, tl=00:00:19, s=117243 kN/s, n=572146209, pv=Kf7 Ng5+, tb=43063, R50=49,
wv=3.27} 31. Ng5+ {2.97/9 8.2s, ev=2.97, d=9, pd=Kf8, mt=00:00:08, tl=00:00:27,
s=40 kN/s, n=336021, pv=Ng5+ Kf8 Nh3 a5 Nf4 b4 Nd5 a4 Nc7 Ra6 Qe4 Bh8 Qe8+ Kg7
Nxa6 Kh7 Qxc8 f5 Qxd7+, tb=0, R50=48, wv=2.97} Kf8 {-3.29/34 3.2s, ev=-3.29,
d=34, pd=Nh7+, mt=00:00:03, tl=00:00:16, s=129553 kN/s, n=410035566, pv=Kf8
Nh7+ Rxh7 Qxh7 a5 Bd8 Ra6 Be7+ Nxe7 dxe7+ Kf7 e8=Q+ Kxe8 Qxg7 Rc6 h3 d5 Qh8+
Ke7 Qxh4 Be6 Qh7+ Bf7 Qd3 b4 Qb5 Rd6 Qxb7+ Rd7 Qb6 d4 Qxa5 d3 Qxb4+ Rd6 Qd2
Bxa2 f3 Be6 Kf2 Rd7 g4 Rd6 Ke3 f5 Kf2 fxg4 hxg4 Rd5 Qb4+ Rd6 Ke1 d2+ Kd1 Kd7
Qc3 Bd5 f4 Bc6 Qg7+ Kc8, tb=156519, R50=48, wv=3.29} 32. Nf3 {3.05/10 2.0s,
ev=3.05, d=10, pd=a5, mt=00:00:02, tl=00:00:26, s=41 kN/s, n=144661, pv=Nf3 a5
Nd4 b4 Nb5 Ra6 Qc5 Rxb6 Qxb6 f5 Qd8+ Kf7 Qxc8 Nf6 Nd4 Rh8 Qc4+ Kg6 Qb5 Rh5,
tb=0, R50=47, wv=3.05} h3 {-2.49/27 1.0s, ev=-2.49, d=27, pd=Ne5, mt=00:00:01,
tl=00:00:16, s=115488 kN/s, n=117220381, pv=h3 Ne5 b4 Nxd7+ Bxd7 Qxd7 f5 Qxf5+
Bf6 g4 Kg7 Qd7+ Kh8 f4 Rg6 g5 Bc3 Qxh3+ Nh6 Qd3 Kg7 d7 Nf7 d8=B Rxd8 Bxd8 Rd6
Bf6+ Bxf6 gxf6+ Kxf6 Qe2 a5 h4 Kg7 Kf2 Kf8 Qc4 b6 Kf3 Rf6 Qc8+ Ke7 Qb7+ Kf8
Qa8+ Ke7 Qd5 Rh6 Qd4 Kf8 h5 Rd6 Qe4 Rh6, tb=9516, R50=47, wv=2.49} 33. g4 {
4.30/8 1.2s, ev=4.30, d=8, pd=a5, mt=00:00:01, tl=00:00:26, s=33 kN/s, n=42328,
pv=g4 a5 g5 Rh5 Bd4 Ra6 Qg6 Rc6 Kf1 b6 Qxh5 Rxd6 gxf6 Nxf6 Qg6 Ne8 Bxg7+, tb=0,
R50=50, wv=4.30} Bh8 {-9.75/31 5.8s, ev=-9.75, d=31, pd=g5, mt=00:00:05, tl=00:
00:12, s=126374 kN/s, n=736257854, pv=Bh8 g5 Rh5 Bd4 b6 Qg6 Bb7 Qxh5 Re8 Qxh3
Bg7 Kf1 Bd5 Qxd7 Bxf3 Qc7 Bg4 Kg2 Bh8 d7 Bxd7 Qxd7 Re7 Qf5 Ke8 Qc8+ Kf7 Qh3
Kg7 Qf5 Kf7 h4 Re8 Qd5+ Kg7 Qd7+ Kf8 Qh7 Rd8 Bxb6 Rc8 Qxh8 fxg5, tb=92226,
R50=50, wv=9.75} 34. g5 {6.75/7 3.0s, ev=6.75, d=7, pd=Rh5, mt=00:00:02, tl=00:
00:24, s=39 kN/s, n=118524, pv=g5 Rh5 Kf1 a5 Qg6 Rxg5 Nxg5 fxg5 Bd8 Ra6 Qf5+
Kg7 Be7 Rc6 Bf8#, tb=0, R50=50, wv=6.75} Rh5 {-9.20/29 1.7s, ev=-9.20, d=29,
pd=Bd4, mt=00:00:01, tl=00:00:11, s=137673 kN/s, n=228399697, pv=Rh5 Bd4 b6
Qg6 Bb7 Qxh5 Re8 Qxh3 Bg7 Kf1 Be4 Qxd7 Bxf3 Qc7 Bg4 Kg2 b4 g6 Nh6 Be3 Rxe3
fxe3 Kg8 d7 Bxd7 Qd8+ Be8 Qxe8+ Bf8 Qd7 Bg7 Qd8+ Bf8 Qc7 Bg7 Qxb6 b3 Qxb3+ Kh8
Qb8+ Ng8, tb=36330, R50=50, wv=9.20} 35. Be3 {6.49/8 2.0s, ev=6.49, d=8, pd=a5,
mt=00:00:02, tl=00:00:23, s=38 kN/s, n=95646, pv=Be3 a5 Qg6 Ra6 Qxh5 Rxd6 Bc5
Ke7 Bxd6+ Kxd6, tb=0, R50=50, wv=6.49} b6 {-10.76/32 7.0s, ev=-10.76, d=32,
pd=Qg4, mt=00:00:06, tl=00:00:05, s=129624 kN/s, n=907369130, pv=b6 Qg4,
tb=397825, R50=49, wv=10.76} 36. Ne5 {7.31/7 1.5s, ev=7.31, d=7, pd=Bb7, mt=00:
00:01, tl=00:00:22, s=37 kN/s, n=63415, pv=Ne5 Bb7 Nxd7+ Kg7 Nxf6 Nxf6 Qxf6+
Kg8 Qe6+ Kf8 d7 Rd8 f4 Rh7 Bxb6, tb=0, R50=50, wv=7.31} Rb8 {-7.76/25 0.71s,
ev=-7.76, d=25, pd=Qg6, mt=00:00:00, tl=00:00:05, s=132798 kN/s, n=93888481,
pv=Rb8 Qg6 Rxg5+ Bxg5 fxe5 Qf5+ Kg7 Qxe5+ Kg6 Qxh8 Kxg5 Qxg8+ Kf5 Qg3 Ke6
Qxh3+ Kd5 Qf5+ Kc6 Qf3+ Kc5 Qc3+ Kd5 Qc7 Ra8 h4 Ke6 Qxb6 a5 h5 Ba6 h6 Kd5 h7
a4 Qe3 Rc8 Qd3+ Ke6 Qh3+ Kxd6 h8=Q Rxh8 Qxh8, tb=17208, R50=50, wv=7.76} 37.
Kf1 {6.77/7 2.5s, ev=6.77, d=7, pd=Bg7, mt=00:00:02, tl=00:00:21, s=39 kN/s,
n=105943, pv=Kf1 Bg7 Qg6 fxe5 Qxh5 Bb7 Qxh3 Bc6 Qf5+ Nf6 gxf6 Bh1 Qxd7 Bxf6
Bh6+ Kg8, tb=0, R50=49, wv=6.77} b4 {-12.31/27 4.1s, ev=-12.31, d=27, pd=Qg6,
mt=00:00:04, tl=00:00:02, s=140479 kN/s, n=575121427, pv=b4 Qg6, tb=43187,
R50=49, wv=12.31} 38. Qg6 {9.08/7 1.7s, ev=9.08, d=7, pd=fxe5, mt=00:00:01,
tl=00:00:20, s=40 kN/s, n=74536, pv=Qg6 fxe5 Qxh5 Bg7 Qxh3 a5 Qf5+ Ke8 h4 Ba6+
Kg1 Bc4 h5, tb=0, R50=50, wv=9.08} fxe5 {-13.02/29 1.7s, ev=-13.02, d=29,
pd=Qxh5, mt=00:00:01, tl=00:00:01, s=158215 kN/s, n=263429117, pv=fxe5 Qxh5
Bb7 Qxh8 Bg2+ Kg1 Be4 g6 Bxg6 Bh6+ Kf7 Qg7+ Ke6 Qxg6+ Kd5 Qf7+ Kc6 Bf8 e4 Qxg8
e3 fxe3 Rc8 Qf7 a5 Qf5 a4 Be7 b3 axb3 axb3 Qxh3 Rg8+ Kf1 b5 Qf3+ Kb6 Qd5 Rc8
Qxb3 Ka6 Kg2 Ka5 Kg1 b4, tb=52406, R50=50, wv=13.02} 39. Qxh5 {7.59/8 0.98s,
ev=7.59, d=8, pd=Bg7, mt=00:00:00, tl=00:00:20, s=37 kN/s, n=66766, pv=Qxh5
Bg7 Qxh3 a5 Qf5+ Ke8 h4 Ba6+ Kg1 Bc4 h5, tb=0, R50=50, wv=7.59} Bb7 {-13.43/29
1.8s, ev=-13.43, d=29, pd=Qxh8, mt=00:00:01, tl=00:00:01, s=149911 kN/s,
n=272239185, pv=Bb7 Qxh8, tb=62241, R50=50, wv=13.43} 40. Qxh8 {10.81/6 2.7s,
ev=10.81, d=6, pd=Kf7, mt=00:00:02, tl=00:00:19, s=45 kN/s, n=125825, pv=Qxh8
Kf7 Qh7+ Ke6 Qxh3+ Kxd6 Qf5 Ne7 Qf6+ Kd5, tb=0, R50=50, wv=10.81} Bg2+ {
-13.56/27 1.0s, ev=-13.56, d=27, mt=00:00:01, tl=00:00:01, s=161869 kN/s,
n=163164081, pv=Bg2+, tb=38119, R50=50, wv=13.56} 41. Ke1 {10.87/6 3.6s, ev=10.
87, d=6, pd=Kf7, mt=00:00:03, tl=00:00:16, s=43 kN/s, n=161354, pv=Ke1 Kf7
Qh7+ Ke6 Qg6+ Kd5 Qf7+ Kc6 Qc4+, tb=0, R50=50, wv=10.87} Be4 {-14.29/25 1.00s,
ev=-14.29, d=25, pd=g6, mt=00:00:00, tl=00:00:01, s=150892 kN/s, n=150892458,
pv=Be4 g6 Bxg6 Bh6+ Kf7 Qg7+ Ke6 Qxg6+ Kd5 Qf7+ Kc6 Bf8 b5 Qxg8 Re8 Qf7 Re6
Be7 Kd5 Qe8 Rxd6 Bxd6 Kxd6 Qb8+ Ke6 Qb6+ Kd5 Qxa6 Kc5 Qc8+ Kd6 Qb7 Ke6 Qxb5
Kd6 Qb6+ Ke7 Qxb4+ d6 Qb5 Kd8 Qb8+ Ke7, tb=28745, R50=49, wv=14.29} 42. g6 {
10.39/5 3.0s, ev=10.39, d=5, pd=Bxg6, mt=00:00:02, tl=00:00:15, s=43 kN/s,
n=133113, pv=g6 Bxg6 Qxh3 Re8 Qxd7 b5 Qc7 Bf7, tb=0, R50=49, wv=10.39} Bxg6 {
-15.59/28 1.0s, ev=-15.59, d=28, pd=Bh6+, mt=00:00:01, tl=00:00:02, s=182306
kN/s, n=182489264, pv=Bxg6 Bh6+, tb=39153, R50=50, wv=15.59} 43. Qxh3 {7.96/7
3.0s, ev=7.96, d=7, pd=Nf6, mt=00:00:02, tl=00:00:14, s=39 kN/s, n=128179,
pv=Qxh3 Nf6 Bg5 Kg7 Bxf6+ Kxf6 Qxd7 Rg8 Qe7+ Kf5 d7, tb=0, R50=50, wv=7.96} Nf6
{-11.30/24 1.7s, ev=-11.30, d=24, pd=Qh8+, mt=00:00:01, tl=00:00:02, s=149374
kN/s, n=253339840, pv=Nf6 Qh8+ Kf7 Qxb8 Ke6 Qxb6 Bd3 Qxb4 Nd5 Qb3 Bb5 Bc5 Bc6
Qa3 a5 Qxa5 Nf4 Qa6 Kd5 Bb4 e4 Kf1 Nd3 Qa5+ Ke6 Ba3 Ne5 Qd8 Nf3 Qg8+ Ke5 Kg2
Kd4 Kg3 Kd3 Qb3+ Kd4 Qe3+ Ke5 Qc3+ Kf5 Qh8 Ng1 Qg8 Ke5, tb=164128, R50=50,
wv=11.30} 44. Qh8+ {8.83/7 2.1s, ev=8.83, d=7, pd=Kf7, mt=00:00:02, tl=00:00:
14, s=37 kN/s, n=83870, pv=Qh8+ Kf7 Qxb8 b3 axb3 b5 Qb6 Bd3 Qxa6 Kg7, tb=0,
R50=50, wv=8.83} Kf7 {-13.30/27 2.3s, ev=-13.30, d=27, pd=Qxb8, mt=00:00:02,
tl=00:00:02, s=146589 kN/s, n=337888327, pv=Kf7 Qxb8, tb=220093, R50=49, wv=13.
30} 45. Qxb8 {9.77/6 1.3s, ev=9.77, d=6, pd=b3, mt=00:00:01, tl=00:00:15, s=42
kN/s, n=79420, pv=Qxb8 b3 axb3 b5 Qb6 Bd3 Qxa6 Kg7 Bh6+, tb=0, R50=49, wv=9.77}
Nd5 {-14.28/24 2.0s, ev=-14.28, d=24, pd=Qc8, mt=00:00:02, tl=00:00:02,
s=152784 kN/s, n=305722064, pv=Nd5 Qc8, tb=267506, R50=50, wv=14.28} 46. Qb7 {
10.41/5 5.2s, ev=10.41, d=5, pd=b3, mt=00:00:05, tl=00:00:11, s=43 kN/s,
n=227640, pv=Qb7 b3 Qxd5+ Kf6 axb3 b5 Qb7 Kf7, tb=0, R50=50, wv=10.41} Ke6 {
-14.79/28 2.0s, ev=-14.79, d=28, pd=Qxa6, mt=00:00:02, tl=00:00:02, s=153921
kN/s, n=307997209, pv=Ke6 Qxa6, tb=341968, R50=49, wv=14.79} 47. Bxb6 {10.35/5
2.8s, ev=10.35, d=5, pd=b3, mt=00:00:02, tl=00:00:11, s=42 kN/s, n=117698,
pv=Bxb6 b3 axb3 Bd3 Qc8 Nxb6 Qe8+, tb=0, R50=49, wv=10.35} Bd3 {-13.87/23 1.0s,
ev=-13.87, d=23, pd=Bc5, mt=00:00:01, tl=00:00:03, s=150138 kN/s, n=154341900,
pv=Bd3 Bc5 Bb5 Kd2 b3 axb3 Nf4 Qa8 Kf6 Qh8+ Kf5 Qh7+ Ke6 Qg8+ Kf5 f3 Kf6 Bb6
Ne6 Qh8+ Kf5 Qh7+ Kf6 Qh4+ Kg6 Be3 Bc6 Qh6+ Kf7 Qh7+ Kf6 h4 Nf4 Qe7+ Kg6 Qxe5,
tb=89699, R50=50, wv=13.87} 48. f4 {10.72/5 2.7s, ev=10.72, d=5, pd=exf4,
mt=00:00:02, tl=00:00:10, s=42 kN/s, n=116793, pv=f4 exf4 Ba7 a5 Qc8 a4 Qe8+,
tb=0, R50=50, wv=10.72} Nxf4 {-10.57/24 1.1s, ev=-10.57, d=24, pd=Kd2, mt=00:
00:01, tl=00:00:03, s=147558 kN/s, n=161281850, pv=Nxf4 Kd2 Bb5 Qe4 Nd3 Bc7
Nf4 Qxb4 Kf5 a4 Bc6 Qc4 Ne6 Qxa6 Nf4 Qc4 Bd5 Qc2+ Be4 Qb3 Bc6 Qg8 Ke4 Bb6 Ne6
Qg2+ Kf5 Qh3+ Kf6 Qh5 Nf4 Qg4 Ne6 Qh3 Kg5 Be3+ Kf6, tb=237517, R50=50, wv=10.57
} 49. Be3 {11.06/5 2.7s, ev=11.06, d=5, pd=b3, mt=00:00:02, tl=00:00:09, s=42
kN/s, n=113506, pv=Be3 b3 Qxb3+ Kf6 Bxf4 a5 Bxe5+ Kg6, tb=0, R50=50, wv=11.06}
Nd5 {-13.55/26 2.6s, ev=-13.55, d=26, pd=Bc5, mt=00:00:02, tl=00:00:03,
s=145427 kN/s, n=377530623, pv=Nd5 Bc5 b3 Qxb3 Bf5 Qc4 a5 Kd2 e4 Qb5 Nf4 Bd4
Nd5 Qxa5 Kxd6 Qa3+ Ke6 Qf8 e3+ Ke1 Bc2 Qh6+ Ke7 Bc5+ Kf7 Qh5+ Kf6, tb=661384,
R50=50, wv=13.55} 50. Kd2 {11.12/5 2.6s, ev=11.12, d=5, pd=b3, mt=00:00:02,
tl=00:00:09, s=44 kN/s, n=114818, pv=Kd2 b3 Qxb3 Bf1 Qb1 Bc4 Qg6+, tb=0,
R50=49, wv=11.12} Bc4 {-14.17/26 3.3s, ev=-14.17, d=26, pd=Bc5, mt=00:00:03,
tl=00:00:02, s=144287 kN/s, n=473840236, pv=Bc4 Bc5, tb=1038745, R50=49, wv=14.
17} 51. Qc8 {10.64/5 2.6s, ev=10.64, d=5, pd=b3, mt=00:00:02, tl=00:00:08,
s=43 kN/s, n=113047, pv=Qc8 b3 axb3 Bf1 Qe8+ Kf6 Qxd7, tb=0, R50=48, wv=10.64}
Bb5 {-14.66/26 2.0s, ev=-14.66, d=26, pd=Bc5, mt=00:00:02, tl=00:00:02,
s=145405 kN/s, n=291102297, pv=Bb5 Bc5, tb=572592, R50=48, wv=14.66} 52. Qg8+ {
10.89/5 2.5s, ev=10.89, d=5, pd=Kxd6, mt=00:00:02, tl=00:00:08, s=43 kN/s,
n=107497, pv=Qg8+ Kxd6 a4 Be2 Qf8+ Ke6 Qh6+, tb=0, R50=47, wv=10.89} Kxd6 {
-17.91/25 1.5s, ev=-17.91, d=25, pd=Qf8+, mt=00:00:01, tl=00:00:02, s=152254
kN/s, n=234623451, pv=Kxd6 Qf8+ Kc7 Bc5 Kb7 Bxb4 Nb6 Kc1 a5 Bd6 Nc4 Qb8+ Kc6
Qc7+ Kd5 Qc5+ Ke6 Bc7 Ba6 Qa7 Bb5 Qb8 Ba6 Qg8+ Kf6 Bd8+ Kf5 Qg5+ Ke4 Qg6+ Kf3
Qf6+ Ke4 Qxa6 d5 Bxa5, tb=830893, R50=47, wv=17.91} 53. Qg6+ {11.30/5 2.5s,
ev=11.30, d=5, pd=Kc7, mt=00:00:02, tl=00:00:07, s=43 kN/s, n=109516, pv=Qg6+
Kc7 Qe4 Kd6 Qg6+ Kc7 h4, tb=0, R50=50, wv=11.30} Kc7 {-69.23/30 2.3s, ev=-69.
23, d=30, mt=00:00:02, tl=00:00:02, s=162462 kN/s, n=375289513, pv=Kc7,
tb=1888295, R50=50, wv=69.23} 54. Ba7 {12.38/5 2.4s, ev=12.38, d=5, pd=b3,
mt=00:00:02, tl=00:00:07, s=43 kN/s, n=104927, pv=Ba7 b3 axb3 Bf1 Bb6+ Nxb6,
tb=0, R50=49, wv=12.38} Bc6 {-21.00/23 2.1s, ev=-21.00, d=23, pd=Qe8, mt=00:00:
02, tl=00:00:02, s=154691 kN/s, n=332587581, pv=Bc6 Qe8, tb=1255651, R50=49,
wv=21.00} 55. Qg8 {16.02/5 2.3s, ev=16.02, d=5, pd=Kd6, mt=00:00:02, tl=00:00:
06, s=44 kN/s, n=99775, pv=Qg8 Kd6 Qf8+ Ke6 Qh6+ Kf7 Qh7+, tb=0, R50=48, wv=16.
02} Kd6 {-78.70/33 2.0s, ev=-78.70, d=33, mt=00:00:02, tl=00:00:02, s=153913
kN/s, n=307980498, pv=Kd6, tb=1661001, R50=48, wv=78.70} 56. Qf8+ {11.89/5 2.
5s, ev=11.89, d=5, pd=Ke6, mt=00:00:02, tl=00:00:06, s=43 kN/s, n=108285,
pv=Qf8+ Ke6 Qb8 Ba4 Bc5 Kf6 Qh8+ Ke6, tb=0, R50=47, wv=11.89} Ke6 {-13.78/22 0.
70s, ev=-13.78, d=22, pd=Bc5, mt=00:00:00, tl=00:00:03, s=142558 kN/s,
n=99363168, pv=Ke6 Bc5 e4 Bxb4 e3+ Kc1 Nxb4 Qxb4 Ke5 Qa5+ Ke4 Qxa6 Kd4 Qf1 Kc3
Qd1 Kc4 Qe2+ Kd4 Qc2 Bf3 Qa4+ Ke5 Qxd7 Be2 Qe7+ Kf4 Qh4+ Kf5 Qh3+ Ke4 Qg2+ Bf3
Qg6+ Kd4, tb=283946, R50=47, wv=13.78} 57. Qh6+ {10.80/5 2.3s, ev=10.80, d=5,
pd=Kf5, mt=00:00:02, tl=00:00:06, s=44 kN/s, n=103937, pv=Qh6+ Kf5 Qd6 b3 Qf8+
Ke6 axb3, tb=0, R50=46, wv=10.80} Nf6 {-14.83/24 2.7s, ev=-14.83, d=24,
pd=Qh3+, mt=00:00:02, tl=00:00:02, s=143432 kN/s, n=386406234, pv=Nf6 Qh3+ Kf7
Bb8 e4 Qf5 Ke7 Bf4 e3+ Bxe3 Ne4+ Kc1 d6 Qh7+ Kf6 Qh8+ Ke6 Qg8+ Ke5 Qc4 Bd5
Bd4+ Ke6 Qxa6 Kd7 Qa4+ Ke7 Qb5 Ba8 Qxb4 Bd5 Qb5 Ke6 Qe8+ Kf5 Qh5+ Ke6 Qg4+ Ke7
Qf5 Bc6, tb=1344529, R50=46, wv=14.83} 58. Qh3+ {11.30/5 2.3s, ev=11.30, d=5,
pd=Kd5, mt=00:00:02, tl=00:00:05, s=42 kN/s, n=97220, pv=Qh3+ Kd5 Qf5 Ne4+ Ke1
a5 Qf7+, tb=0, R50=45, wv=11.30} Kf7 {-17.87/24 2.6s, ev=-17.87, d=24, pd=Bb8,
mt=00:00:02, tl=00:00:02, s=156747 kN/s, n=408953414, pv=Kf7 Bb8, tb=1267105,
R50=45, wv=17.87} 59. Qf5 {11.72/5 2.2s, ev=11.72, d=5, pd=d6, mt=00:00:02,
tl=00:00:05, s=43 kN/s, n=98155, pv=Qf5 d6 Qc8 Be8 Qc4+ Kg7 Qxb4, tb=0, R50=44,
wv=11.72} d6 {-13.35/25 0.78s, ev=-13.35, d=25, pd=Bb8, mt=00:00:00, tl=00:00:
03, s=139859 kN/s, n=109649880, pv=d6 Bb8 Bd7 Qd3 Bb5 Qb3+ Ke7 Qxb4 Ne8 a4 Bc6
Qc4 Bh1 Qxa6 Bd5 Qb5 Be4 Qb4 Bd5 Qh4+ Kd7 Qh3+ Ke7 Qh7+ Bf7 Qd3 Be6 Qe4 Bd7 a5
Ng7 a6 Nf5 Qb7 Nh4 a7, tb=408010, R50=44, wv=13.35} 60. Kc1 {11.30/5 2.2s,
ev=11.30, d=5, pd=Be8, mt=00:00:02, tl=00:00:05, s=41 kN/s, n=91361, pv=Kc1
Be8 Qd3 a5 Qxd6 a4, tb=0, R50=50, wv=11.30} Ke7 {-14.49/24 3.2s, ev=-14.49,
d=24, pd=Qc8, mt=00:00:03, tl=00:00:02, s=145622 kN/s, n=468467740, pv=Ke7 Qc8,
tb=1561141, R50=50, wv=14.49} 61. Qc8 {11.42/5 2.2s, ev=11.42, d=5, pd=Ne4,
mt=00:00:02, tl=00:00:05, s=43 kN/s, n=94566, pv=Qc8 Ne4 Qxc6 Nf6 Qc7+ Ke6,
tb=0, R50=49, wv=11.42} Bb5 {-17.32/23 2.0s, ev=-17.32, d=23, pd=Be3, mt=00:00:
02, tl=00:00:02, s=157911 kN/s, n=319771765, pv=Bb5 Be3, tb=904255, R50=49,
wv=17.32} 62. Qc7+ {11.40/5 2.2s, ev=11.40, d=5, pd=Ke6, mt=00:00:02, tl=00:00:
05, s=42 kN/s, n=90733, pv=Qc7+ Ke6 Qb7 Nh5 Qc8+ Kf6 Qf8+, tb=0, R50=48, wv=11.
40} Ke6 {-13.50/25 0.84s, ev=-13.50, d=25, pd=Qc8+, mt=00:00:00, tl=00:00:03,
s=138642 kN/s, n=116875864, pv=Ke6 Qc8+ Kf7 Bb8 Ne8 Qf5+ Ke7 Qg5+ Kd7 Qg4+ Ke7
Qxb4 Bc6 Qc4 Bb5 Qh4+ Ke6 Qg4+ Ke7 a4 Bc6 Qc4 Ba8 Qxa6 Bd5 Kd2 Be4 Qa5 Bh1
Qa7+ Ke6 Qb6 Ke7 Qb1 Ba8 Qh7+ Ke6 Qh4 Kd7 Qf2 Ke6 Qb6, tb=291915, R50=48,
wv=13.50} 63. Bb8 {11.38/5 2.1s, ev=11.38, d=5, pd=Nd5, mt=00:00:02, tl=00:00:
04, s=43 kN/s, n=93843, pv=Bb8 Nd5 Qxd6+ Kf7 Qxd5+ Kf6 Qxe5+ Kg6, tb=0, R50=47,
wv=11.38} Ne8 {-17.33/33 3.1s, ev=-17.33, d=33, mt=00:00:03, tl=00:00:02,
s=150777 kN/s, n=472685901, pv=Ne8, tb=1155711, R50=47, wv=17.33} 64. Qa5 {
11.27/5 2.1s, ev=11.27, d=5, pd=Kd5, mt=00:00:02, tl=00:00:04, s=40 kN/s,
n=85263, pv=Qa5 Kd5 Qxb4 Ke6 Qg4+ Kf6 Bxd6, tb=0, R50=46, wv=11.27} b3 {
-17.75/24 2.0s, ev=-17.75, d=24, pd=a4, mt=00:00:01, tl=00:00:02, s=151432 kN/
s, n=301654417, pv=b3 a4, tb=753967, R50=46, wv=17.75} 65. axb3 {12.03/5 2.1s,
ev=12.03, d=5, pd=Kd5, mt=00:00:02, tl=00:00:04, s=41 kN/s, n=87519, pv=axb3
Kd5 Bxd6 Ng7 Qd8 Ne6, tb=0, R50=50, wv=12.03} Ke7 {-18.20/32 2.0s, ev=-18.20,
d=32, pd=Qb4, mt=00:00:01, tl=00:00:02, s=151213 kN/s, n=302426450, pv=Ke7 Qb4,
tb=661505, R50=50, wv=18.20} 66. Bxd6+ {12.79/5 2.1s, ev=12.79, d=5, pd=Kxd6,
mt=00:00:02, tl=00:00:04, s=43 kN/s, n=91303, pv=Bxd6+ Kxd6 Kd2 Bf1 Qd8+ Ke6
Qxe8+, tb=0, R50=50, wv=12.79} Kxd6 {-20.32/27 2.0s, ev=-20.32, d=27, pd=Qb6+,
mt=00:00:02, tl=00:00:02, s=142324 kN/s, n=284792219, pv=Kxd6 Qb6+, tb=2157423,
R50=50, wv=20.32} 67. Qd2+ {13.52/5 2.1s, ev=13.52, d=5, pd=Ke6, mt=00:00:02,
tl=00:00:04, s=42 kN/s, n=88637, pv=Qd2+ Ke6 Qg2 Kd6 h4 Nf6 Qg7, tb=1, R50=50,
wv=13.52} Ke6 {-21.86/25 2.0s, ev=-21.86, d=25, pd=h4, mt=00:00:01, tl=00:00:
02, s=144674 kN/s, n=288771120, pv=Ke6 h4, tb=2474417, R50=50, wv=21.86} 68.
Qh6+ {13.13/5 2.1s, ev=13.13, d=5, pd=Nf6, mt=00:00:02, tl=00:00:04, s=40 kN/s,
n=84022, pv=Qh6+ Nf6 Qh3+ Kf7 Qg2 e4 Qg5, tb=1, R50=49, wv=13.13} Nf6 {-10.10/
25 0.85s, ev=-10.10, d=25, pd=Qh3+, mt=00:00:00, tl=00:00:03, s=132478 kN/s,
n=112739600, pv=Nf6 Qh3+ Kf7 Qf5 e4 h4 Be2 Kd2 Bg4 Qe5 Bf3 Qa5 Bg4 Ke3 Be6
Qxa6 Bf5 Qa5 Ke6 Kd4 Nd7 b4 e3 Qa6+ Ke7, tb=1229348, R50=49, wv=10.10} 69. Qg6
{13.86/5 2.1s, ev=13.86, d=5, pd=e4, mt=00:00:02, tl=00:00:04, s=42 kN/s,
n=88246, pv=Qg6 e4 Qg1 Nd5 h4 e3 h5, tb=7, R50=48, wv=13.86} Bc6 {-11.89/25 3.
1s, ev=-11.89, d=25, pd=Qd3, mt=00:00:03, tl=00:00:02, s=137408 kN/s,
n=432836794, pv=Bc6 Qd3, tb=4481993, R50=48, wv=11.89} 70. Qd3 {14.02/5 2.0s,
ev=14.02, d=5, pd=Bb5, mt=00:00:02, tl=00:00:04, s=41 kN/s, n=83560, pv=Qd3
Bb5 Qh3+ Kf7 Qc3 e4 Qe5, tb=12, R50=47, wv=14.02} Bb5 {-15.89/25 2.0s, ev=-15.
89, d=25, pd=Qh3+, mt=00:00:02, tl=00:00:02, s=153100 kN/s, n=306353949,
pv=Bb5 Qh3+, tb=1518272, R50=47, wv=15.89} 71. Qf3 {13.78/5 2.0s, ev=13.78,
d=5, pd=e4, mt=00:00:02, tl=00:00:04, s=39 kN/s, n=80772, pv=Qf3 e4 Qf4 Bc6
Qc7 Bb5 Qg3, tb=5, R50=46, wv=13.78} e4 {-16.92/26 2.0s, ev=-16.92, d=26,
pd=Qe3, mt=00:00:02, tl=00:00:02, s=148357 kN/s, n=296862438, pv=e4 Qe3 Bd3 h4
Kf7 Qc5 Be2 Kd2 Bf3 Ke3 Ne8 Qd5+ Ke7 Qg5+ Kf7 h5 Nf6 h6 a5 Qg7+ Ke6 h7 Nd5+
Kd2 e3+ Kc1, tb=1568132, R50=46, wv=16.92} 72. Qf4 {13.30/5 2.0s, ev=13.30,
d=5, pd=e3, mt=00:00:02, tl=00:00:04, s=41 kN/s, n=82679, pv=Qf4 e3 Qxe3+ Kd6
Qc3 Ke6 Qc5 Kf7, tb=7, R50=50, wv=13.30} Be2 {-14.61/24 2.0s, ev=-14.61, d=24,
mt=00:00:02, tl=00:00:02, s=141971 kN/s, n=284085273, pv=Be2, tb=2060256,
R50=50, wv=14.61} 73. Kd2 {14.26/5 2.0s, ev=14.26, d=5, pd=Bd3, mt=00:00:02,
tl=00:00:04, s=41 kN/s, n=84188, pv=Kd2 Bd3 Kd1 Nd7 Qg4+ Ke7 Qg3, tb=120,
R50=49, wv=14.26} Bg4 {-17.47/25 2.0s, ev=-17.47, d=25, pd=h4, mt=00:00:02,
tl=00:00:02, s=144643 kN/s, n=289431024, pv=Bg4 h4 Bh5 Qg5 Bf3 Ke3 Ng4+ Kf4
Nf6 Qe5+ Kf7 Qc7+ Ke8 Qc8+ Ke7 Qxa6 Bg2 Qb7+ Ke6 Qc6+ Kf7 Qc4+ Kg7 Qe6 Bf3 Qa6
Nh5+ Kg5 Kf7 b4 Kg8 Qe6+ Kg7 Qe7+ Kh8 b5 Kg8 Qe6+ Kf8 Qa6, tb=1908575, R50=49,
wv=17.47} 74. Ke1 {14.31/5 2.0s, ev=14.31, d=5, pd=Bf5, mt=00:00:02, tl=00:00:
04, s=43 kN/s, n=87706, pv=Ke1 Bf5 Qf1 Ng8 Qc4+ Ke7, tb=68, R50=48, wv=14.31}
Bh3 {-17.43/24 2.0s, ev=-17.43, d=24, pd=Qh6, mt=00:00:01, tl=00:00:02,
s=132018 kN/s, n=264036947, pv=Bh3 Qh6 Bf5 h4 Bg4 Kd2 Kf7 Qf4 Ke6 Qe3 Kf5 Qh6
Ke6 Qg6 Ke7 Qg5 Kf7 Ke3 Bf3 Qf5 Bh5 Qa5 Kg8 Qxa6 Kg7 Kd4 Bg6 b4 Ng4 b5 Nh2 b6,
tb=2021696, R50=48, wv=17.43} 75. Qh4 {15.04/5 2.0s, ev=15.04, d=5, pd=Bf5,
mt=00:00:02, tl=00:00:04, s=40 kN/s, n=82309, pv=Qh4 Bf5 Qh6 Bg4 Qg7 e3 Qg5,
tb=7, R50=47, wv=15.04} Bf5 {-17.78/29 2.0s, ev=-17.78, d=29, pd=Qh6, mt=00:00:
02, tl=00:00:02, s=135338 kN/s, n=270812046, pv=Bf5 Qh6 Kf7 h4 Nh7 Ke2 Nf8 Qf4
Ke6 Qg5 Nd7 Ke3 Nf6 Qg7 a5 Qh6 Kf7 Kd2 Bg4 Qg5 Bh5 Qxa5 Ke7 Ke3 Bg6 b4 Ke8
Qb5+ Ke7 Qa6 Kf7 Kf4 Kg7 b5 Nd5+ Kg5 Be8 b6, tb=2403532, R50=47, wv=17.78} 76.
Qh6 {14.06/5 2.0s, ev=14.06, d=5, pd=Ke5, mt=00:00:02, tl=00:00:04, s=43 kN/s,
n=86572, pv=Qh6 Ke5 Qg7 Bd7 Qg5+ Ke6 Qc5, tb=34, R50=46, wv=14.06} Kf7 {
-18.19/32 2.0s, ev=-18.19, d=32, pd=h4, mt=00:00:01, tl=00:00:02, s=136482 kN/
s, n=272964664, pv=Kf7 h4, tb=2861462, R50=46, wv=18.19} 77. Qf4 {14.46/5 2.0s,
ev=14.46, d=5, pd=Ke6, mt=00:00:02, tl=00:00:04, s=43 kN/s, n=88390, pv=Qf4
Ke6 Qf1 Ng4 Qc4+ Ke5, tb=13, R50=45, wv=14.46} Ke6 {-18.70/30 2.0s, ev=-18.70,
d=30, pd=h4, mt=00:00:02, tl=00:00:02, s=138600 kN/s, n=277340168, pv=Ke6 h4
Ng8 Kd2 Nf6 Qg5 Nd5 Qg7 Nf6 Ke3 Bh7 Kd4 a5 Qg5 Bf5 h5 Nd7 Qg8+ Ke7 Qg7+ Ke6
Ke3 Nf6 Qg5 Nd5+ Kd4 Ne7 Qg7 Nc6+ Ke3 Ne7 Kd2 Nd5 Qg8+ Ke5 Qg3+ Ke6 Qg7 a4
bxa4 Nf6 h6 Nh7 Ke2 Nf6 Ke3, tb=2022423, R50=45, wv=18.70} 78. Qf1 {13.47/5 2.
0s, ev=13.47, d=5, pd=Nd5, mt=00:00:02, tl=00:00:04, s=39 kN/s, n=79398,
pv=Qf1 Nd5 Qxa6+ Ke5 Qa1+ Ke6 Qd4, tb=10, R50=44, wv=13.47} Ke5 {-19.25/25 2.
0s, ev=-19.25, d=25, pd=Qxa6, mt=00:00:02, tl=00:00:02, s=141152 kN/s,
n=282445445, pv=Ke5 Qxa6 Nh7 Qa5+ Kf4 Qc7+ Kg5 Qe5 Kg6 h4 Nf6 Kd2 Ng4 Qd6+ Nf6
Qa6 Kg7 Ke3 Kf7 Kd4 Bg6 b4 Kg7 b5 Nd7 Ke3 Be8 Qe6 Nf6 b6, tb=2096931, R50=44,
wv=19.25} 79. Qxa6 {15.89/5 1.9s, ev=15.89, d=5, pd=Nd5, mt=00:00:01, tl=00:00:
04, s=44 kN/s, n=84849, pv=Qxa6 Nd5 Qa1+ Kd6 Qd4 e3 h4 Bg6, tb=58, R50=43,
wv=15.89} Nh7 {-22.23/25 2.0s, ev=-22.23, d=25, pd=Qb5+, mt=00:00:02, tl=00:00:
02, s=151847 kN/s, n=303846592, pv=Nh7 Qb5+, tb=1957548, R50=50, wv=22.23} 80.
Qa5+ {17.34/5 2.1s, ev=17.34, d=5, pd=Ke6, mt=00:00:02, tl=00:00:04, s=41 kN/s,
n=87621, pv=Qa5+ Ke6 h3 Bg6 Qa6+ Ke5 Qxg6, tb=334, R50=50, wv=17.34} Kf6 {
-153.70/22 2.0s, ev=-153.70, d=22, pd=b4, mt=00:00:02, tl=00:00:02, s=168043
kN/s, n=336254899, pv=Kf6 b4, tb=7632898, R50=49, wv=153.70} 81. h3 {17.60/5 2.
0s, ev=17.60, d=5, pd=Bg6, mt=00:00:02, tl=00:00:04, s=41 kN/s, n=83300, pv=h3
Bg6 Qd2 Kf5 Kf1 Ng5, tb=205, R50=49, wv=17.60} Ke6 {-25.78/27 2.0s, ev=-25.78,
d=27, mt=00:00:02, tl=00:00:02, s=152620 kN/s, n=305394336, pv=Ke6, tb=1854875,
R50=50, wv=25.78} 82. Ke2 {18.30/5 2.0s, ev=18.30, d=5, pd=Bg6, mt=00:00:02,
tl=00:00:04, s=39 kN/s, n=78098, pv=Ke2 Bg6 Qa6+ Kf5 Qb5+ Kf6 Qc6+, tb=829,
R50=50, wv=18.30} Nf6 {-153.48/29 1.5s, ev=-153.48, d=29, pd=Ke3, mt=00:00:01,
tl=00:00:02, s=150008 kN/s, n=230562641, pv=Nf6 Ke3, tb=3444007, R50=49,
wv=153.48} 83. Ke3 {19.19/5 2.0s, ev=19.19, d=5, pd=Bg6, mt=00:00:02, tl=00:00:
04, s=40 kN/s, n=81948, pv=Ke3 Bg6 Qa6+ Ke5 Qa1+ Ke6 Qa3, tb=907, R50=49,
wv=19.19} Bg6 {-154.00/36 2.5s, ev=-154.00, d=36, pd=h4, mt=00:00:02, tl=00:00:
02, s=145292 kN/s, n=358146628, pv=Bg6 h4 Nd5+ Kd4 Ne7 Qe5+ Kf7 Ke3 Bh7 h5 Ng8
Kd4 Nf6 Qd6 e3 Kxe3 Bf5 h6 Bh7 Kd4 Ng8 Qd7+ Ne7 Ke5 Bg8 Kd6 Kg6 Kxe7 Kg5 h7
Bxh7, tb=14065066, R50=48, wv=154.00} 84. Qg5 {18.90/5 2.0s, ev=18.90, d=5,
pd=Nd5+, mt=00:00:01, tl=00:00:04, s=41 kN/s, n=82314, pv=Qg5 Nd5+ Kd4 Ne7
Qe5+ Kf7 Ke3, tb=236, R50=48, wv=18.90} Bh5 {-153.84/22 0.90s, ev=-153.84,
d=22, pd=Kd4, mt=00:00:00, tl=00:00:03, s=156596 kN/s, n=140310269, pv=Bh5 Kd4,
tb=3988592, R50=47, wv=153.84} 85. b4 {19.71/5 2.0s, ev=19.71, d=5, pd=Ke7,
mt=00:00:02, tl=00:00:04, s=42 kN/s, n=86084, pv=b4 Ke7 Qe5+ Kf7 Kf4 Be2 Kg5
Nh7+, tb=1167, R50=47, wv=19.71} Bf3 {-154.07/37 3.1s, ev=-154.07, d=37,
pd=Kd4, mt=00:00:03, tl=00:00:02, s=150717 kN/s, n=467826140, pv=Bf3 Kd4 Bh5
b5 Be2 b6 Ba6 Qe5+ Kf7 b7 Bxb7 Qc7+ Ke6 Qxb7 Kd6 h4 Ke6 h5 Kd6 h6 Ke6 h7 Nxh7,
tb=20869634, R50=50, wv=154.07} 86. b5 {19.37/5 2.0s, ev=19.37, d=5, pd=Nd5+,
mt=00:00:01, tl=00:00:04, s=43 kN/s, n=85446, pv=b5 Nd5+ Kd4 Nb4 Qg6+ Kd7 Qf7+,
tb=619, R50=50, wv=19.37} Nd7 {-#146/29 2.0s, ev=-9998.54, d=29, pd=b6, mt=00:
00:02, tl=00:00:02, s=197650 kN/s, n=396288261, pv=Nd7 b6, tb=10201308, R50=50,
wv=9998.54} 87. b6 {20.60/5 2.0s, ev=20.60, d=5, pd=Ne5, mt=00:00:02, tl=00:00:
04, s=41 kN/s, n=83055, pv=b6 Ne5 b7 Kd5 Qg8+ Kd6 b8=Q+, tb=792, R50=50, wv=20.
60} Ne5 {-#32/48 2.0s, ev=-M32, d=48, pd=Qg8+, mt=00:00:01, tl=00:00:02,
s=181223 kN/s, n=361903765, pv=Ne5 Qg8+ Kd6 b7 Nc6 b8=Q+ Nxb8 Qxb8+ Kd5 Qb5+
Kd6 Kd4 e3 Qe5+ Kd7 Qf5+ Kd6 Qxf3 Ke6 Qc6+ Kf5 Kxe3 Ke5 Qd7 Kf6 Ke4 Kg6 Qe7
Kh6 Kf5 Kh5 Qg5#, tb=10814732, R50=50, wv=M32} 88. Qxe5+ {167.57/4 1.7s,
ev=9997.97, d=4, pd=Kd7, mt=00:00:01, tl=00:00:04, s=40 kN/s, n=67503,
pv=Qxe5+ Kd7 Qxe4, tb=750, R50=50, wv=9997.97} Kxe5 {-#26/69 0.76s, ev=-M26,
d=69, pd=b7, mt=00:00:00, tl=00:00:03, s=230418 kN/s, n=175809421, pv=Kxe5 b7
Bh1 h4 Bf3 b8=Q+ Kd5 Qe8 Kc5 h5 Bg4 h6 Bf5 Qe5+ Kc4 Qxf5 Kc3 Qa5+ Kc2 h7 Kb3
h8=Q Kc2 Qa2+ Kd1 Qha1#, tb=3, R50=50, wv=M26} 89. b7 {167.59/1 1.0s, ev=9997.
99, d=1, mt=00:00:01, tl=00:00:05, s=137 kN/s, n=137456, pv=b7, tb=3, R50=50,
wv=9997.99} Ke6 {-#24/72 0.88s, ev=-M24, d=72, pd=b8=Q, mt=00:00:00, tl=00:00:
04, s=236355 kN/s, n=208701793, pv=Ke6 b8=Q Ke7 Qe5+ Kd7 Qd5+ Ke7 Kd4 Kf6 Qe5+
Kf7 Qf5+ Kg8 Ke5 Kg7 Qf6+ Kg8 Qg6+ Kf8 Kf6 Bh5 Qg7+ Ke8 Qe7#, tb=11, R50=50,
wv=M24} 90. h4 {167.59/1 3.1s, ev=9997.99, d=1, mt=00:00:03, tl=00:00:04, s=67
kN/s, n=211905, pv=h4, tb=5, R50=50, wv=9997.99} Bh5 {-#24/74 0.89s, ev=-M24,
d=74, pd=b8=Q, mt=00:00:00, tl=00:00:05, s=238412 kN/s, n=213379170, pv=Bh5
b8=Q Bg6 Qb5 Bh7 Qc6+ Ke5 Qc7+ Ke6 Qxh7 Kd6 h5 Kc5 h6 Kb4 Qd7 Kc3 h7 Kb4 h8=Q
Ka3 Qb8 Ka2 Qa4#, tb=14, R50=50, wv=M24} 91. Kxe4 {167.59/1 2.1s, ev=9997.99,
d=1, mt=00:00:02, tl=00:00:04, s=82 kN/s, n=168257, pv=Kxe4, tb=5, R50=50,
wv=9997.99} Kd7 {-#22/84 0.97s, ev=-M22, d=84, pd=b8=Q, mt=00:00:00, tl=00:00:
06, s=250976 kN/s, n=243447084, pv=Kd7 b8=Q Kc6 Qa8+ Kb6 Qd8+ Kb5 Qd5+ Kb6
Qxh5 Kc6 Kd4 Kd7 Qg6 Ke7 Kd5 Kf8 Qh7 Ke8 Ke6 Kd8 Qd7#, tb=12, R50=50, wv=M22}
92. b8=Q {167.59/1 2.0s, ev=9997.99, d=1, mt=00:00:01, tl=00:00:04, s=229 kN/s,
n=455665, pv=b8=Q, tb=4, R50=50, wv=9997.99} Kc6 {-#20/86 1.0s, ev=-M20, d=86,
pd=Qc8+, mt=00:00:01, tl=00:00:07, s=254453 kN/s, n=255980479, pv=Kc6 Qc8+ Kd6
Qd8+ Kc5 Qa5+ Kd6 Qxh5 Kc6 Qd5+ Kb6 Ke5 Kc7 Qb5 Kd8 Kd6 Kc8 Qb1 Kd8 Qb8#,
tb=10, R50=50, wv=M20} 93. Ke3 {167.55/3 2.1s, ev=9997.95, d=3, pd=Kd7, mt=00:
00:02, tl=00:00:03, s=14 kN/s, n=30874, pv=Ke3 Kd7 Qb5+ Kc8 Qxh5, tb=778,
R50=50, wv=9997.95} Bg4 {-#20/74 1.0s, ev=-M20, d=74, pd=Kd4, mt=00:00:01,
tl=00:00:08, s=253050 kN/s, n=264437983, pv=Bg4 Kd4 Bd1 Qa8+ Kc7 Qd5 Kb6 Qc5+
Kb7 Ke5 Bf3 Kd6 Bg4 Qc7+ Ka8 Kc5 Bd7 Kb6 Bc6 Qa7#, tb=10, R50=49, wv=M20} 94.
h5 {167.59/2 0.99s, ev=9997.99, d=2, mt=00:00:00, tl=00:00:04, s=2 kN/s,
n=2148, pv=h5, tb=2, R50=49, wv=9997.99} Bxh5 {-#20/71 1.1s, ev=-M20, d=71,
pd=Qg8, mt=00:00:01, tl=00:00:09, s=247287 kN/s, n=263113510, pv=Bxh5 Qg8 Kd6
Kd4 Bf3 Qg3+ Ke7 Qxf3 Ke6 Qf8 Kd7 Qf6 Kc7 Kc5 Kc8 Qf7 Kb8 Kc6 Kc8 Qc7#, tb=12,
R50=50, wv=M20} 95. Qe5 {121.52/4 3.0s, ev=121.52, d=4, pd=Bg6, mt=00:00:03,
tl=00:00:03, s=5 kN/s, n=16112, pv=Qe5 Bg6 Qg7 Bh5, tb=1099, R50=50, wv=121.52}
Bd1 {-#20/68 1.1s, ev=-M20, d=68, pd=Kd4, mt=00:00:01, tl=00:00:10, s=248376
kN/s, n=272965636, pv=Bd1 Kd4 Bb3 Qc5+ Kd7 Ke5 Ba4 Qd6+ Kc8 Kd4 Bc6 Qxc6+ Kb8
Qd7 Ka8 Kc5 Kb8 Kb6 Ka8 Qa7#, tb=10, R50=50, wv=M20} 96. Kd2 {123.13/4 2.0s,
ev=123.13, d=4, pd=Ba4, mt=00:00:02, tl=00:00:03, s=3 kN/s, n=6599, pv=Kd2 Ba4
Qg3 Kb5 Qc7, tb=179, R50=49, wv=123.13} Bb3 {-#20/65 1.2s, ev=-M20, d=65,
pd=Qc3+, mt=00:00:01, tl=00:00:11, s=263743 kN/s, n=305414829, pv=Bb3 Qc3+ Kd6
Qxb3 Kd7 Qd5+ Ke7 Ke3 Kf6 Kf4 Kg6 Qg8+ Kf6 Qe8 Kg7 Kf5 Kh7 Kf6 Kh6 Qg6#, tb=10,
R50=49, wv=M20} 97. Qc3+ {167.57/2 1.2s, ev=9997.97, d=2, pd=Kb7, mt=00:00:01,
tl=00:00:04, s=0 kN/s, n=851, pv=Qc3+ Kb7 Qxb3+, tb=8, R50=48, wv=9997.97} Kd6
{-#18/83 1.2s, ev=-M18, d=83, pd=Qxb3, mt=00:00:01, tl=00:00:11, s=256643 kN/s,
n=317211870, pv=Kd6 Qxb3 Kd7 Qd5+ Ke7 Ke3 Kf6 Kf4 Kg6 Qg8+ Kf6 Qe8 Kg7 Kf5 Kh7
Kf6 Kh6 Qg6#, tb=7, R50=48, wv=M18} 98. Qxb3 {167.59/2 1.4s, ev=9997.99, d=2,
mt=00:00:01, tl=00:00:05, s=1 kN/s, n=1412, pv=Qxb3, tb=2, R50=47, wv=9997.99}
Kd7 {-#16/84 1.3s, ev=-M16, d=84, pd=Qd5+, mt=00:00:01, tl=00:00:12, s=246565
kN/s, n=329657983, pv=Kd7 Qd5+ Ke7 Ke3 Kf6 Kf4 Kg6 Qg8+ Kf6 Qe8 Kg7 Kf5 Kh7
Kf6 Kh6 Qg6#, tb=6, R50=50, wv=M16} 99. Qf3 {110.43/6 3.3s, ev=110.43, d=6,
pd=Kc8, mt=00:00:03, tl=00:00:04, s=18 kN/s, n=61701, pv=Qf3 Kc8 Qe2 Kb8 Kc1
Kb7 Kb1, tb=2, R50=50, wv=110.43} Ke6 {-#14/118 1.2s, ev=-M14, d=118, pd=Qc6+,
mt=00:00:01, tl=00:00:13, s=272372 kN/s, n=338014557, pv=Ke6 Qc6+ Kf7 Ke3 Kg7
Kf4 Kf7 Kf5 Kg7 Qb7+ Kh6 Qa7 Kh5 Qh7#, tb=7, R50=49, wv=M14} 100. Qc6+ {
83.66/6 1.0s, ev=83.66, d=6, pd=Ke5, mt=00:00:01, tl=00:00:04, s=3 kN/s,
n=3664, pv=Qc6+ Ke5 Qg2 Ke6 Ke1 Kf5 Qa2 Kf4, tb=2, R50=49, wv=83.66} Kf7 {
-#12/197 1.2s, ev=-M12, d=197, pd=Ke3, mt=00:00:01, tl=00:00:14, s=276795 kN/s,
n=343226105, pv=Kf7 Ke3 Kg7 Kf4 Kf7 Kf5 Kg7 Qb7+ Kh6 Qa7 Kh5 Qh7#, tb=4,
R50=48, wv=M12} 101. Kd3 {88.21/6 2.9s, ev=88.21, d=6, pd=Kf8, mt=00:00:02,
tl=00:00:04, s=3 kN/s, n=11672, pv=Kd3 Kf8 Qc2 Ke8 Kd2 Kd7 Qc3, tb=2, R50=48,
wv=88.21} Kg7 {-#10/245 0.15s, ev=-M10, d=245, pd=Ke4, mt=00:00:00, tl=00:00:
16, s=232432 kN/s, n=34632379, pv=Kg7 Ke4 Kh7 Kf5 Kg7 Qb7+ Kh6 Qa7 Kh5 Qh7#,
tb=4, R50=47, wv=M10} 102. Ke4 {69.94/6 1.1s, ev=69.94, d=6, pd=Kf7, mt=00:00:
01, tl=00:00:04, s=2 kN/s, n=4091, pv=Ke4 Kf7 Qa4 Ke7 Kf3 Kf7 Kg2 Kg7, tb=2,
R50=47, wv=69.94} Kh8 {-#8/245 0.076s, ev=-M8, d=245, pd=Qb7, mt=00:00:00,
tl=00:00:17, s=218631 kN/s, n=16178767, pv=Kh8 Qb7 Kg8 Ke5 Kh8 Kf6 Kg8 Qg7#,
tb=5, R50=46, wv=M8} 103. Qd7 {#7/5 2.1s, ev=M7, d=5, pd=Kg8, mt=00:00:02,
tl=00:00:04, s=10 kN/s, n=23116, pv=Qd7 Kg8 Kf5 Kf8 Kf6 Kg8 Qg7#, tb=2, R50=46,
wv=M7} Kg8 {-154.14/6 0.006s, ev=-154.14, d=6, mt=00:00:00, tl=00:00:19,
s=5251 kN/s, n=36757, pv=Kg8, tb=1, R50=45, wv=154.14} 104. Ke5 {#5/2 2.8s,
ev=M5, d=2, pd=Kf8, mt=00:00:02, tl=00:00:04, s=11 kN/s, n=35209, pv=Ke5 Kf8
Kf6 Kg8 Qg7#, tb=2, R50=45, wv=M5} Kf8 {-#4/245 0.023s, ev=-M4, d=245, pd=Kf6,
mt=00:00:00, tl=00:00:21, s=46820 kN/s, n=795944, pv=Kf8 Kf6 Kg8 Qg7#, tb=2,
R50=44, wv=M4} 105. Kf6 {#3/2 0.96s, ev=M3, d=2, pd=Kg8, mt=00:00:00, tl=00:00:
05, s=5 kN/s, n=4831, pv=Kf6 Kg8 Qg7#, tb=2, R50=44, wv=M3} Kg8 {-#2/1 0.003s,
ev=-M2, d=1, mt=00:00:00, tl=00:00:23, s=2057 kN/s, n=6173, pv=Kg8, tb=1,
R50=43, wv=M2} 106. Qg7# {#1/2 1.4s, ev=M1, d=2, mt=00:00:01, tl=00:00:05, s=8
kN/s, n=11794, pv=Qg7#, tb=2, R50=43, wv=M1, White mates} 1-0
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